jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

Lanzamiento de la primera canción oficial de la Banda Sonora de Abduction

El CD con la banda sonora será lanzado el día 20 de Septiembre, nada ha sido confirmado sobre quien estara en la lista. El video no aporta ningun escenario nuevo y  la música es Kids do Sleigh Bells. 

Sleigh Bells
It was a wednesday
I got the kool-aid
I hear the
something from my baby
I wade out to the ocean
Put on my sunset lotion
I see the sun glow

The water flow in slow motion
I got a beach chair
I see the blonde hair
Pick up my feet there
I feel the cool air
The breeze is nice now
I’ll tell you right now
I sip my kool-aid
Boy I’m feeling better now
Do I need a vacation?
Just need to get away for a while
Wait, did I forget my sunglasses?
Got ‘em
I paint my nails pink
There in the sand dome
I hear the oh-so calling on the radio
I see a young boy
He on the upswing
He gets a nose bleed
And I hear the girls sing
I hop on the water slide
Gotta get my swims on
I pull my straps up
I’ll see your better slides
Oh no no no no no no no no
Look at the seashells
I see the young boys swimming

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